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Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Sencha Touch: Android Halo Light Theme

One of the things I love about Sencha Touch is the built in themes. Android has 4.x has two themes: Halo Dark, Halo Light.  There is only one Android theme for Sencha Touch and it's dark. I've been bugging them for awhile to include a light theme and their response was "You do it".

I googled for a long time and couldn't find a theme someone else did. I gave in and decided to make my own theme after finding this one. It's beautiful. I read his breakdown and he created a theme by copying the winPho theme and made changes until he was happy. I did something similar. I copied the Android theme and started digging in.

That's when I found it. There is a Sass variable in /[Sencha SDK folder]/resources/themes/stylesheets/sencha-touch/mountainview/var/_Class.scss called $dark-theme. If you set this variable to false in your local sass file for android it becomes a light theme.

I wish this was explained better. It's only through source code diving can we find the true answers.

Zend Framework 2: Using mysql functions in SQL classes

The built in ZF2 classes for sql queries have been wonderful to use. I like that it takes care of escaping data and saves you from messy string all over your codebase. I ran into a problem when trying to do something "complex".

Here is an example of the SQL I was trying to write.
1INSERT into `table` SET `col1` = FROM_UNIXTIME(?)

When I tried running this the mysql method was quoted
I started digging around and found an extra class required if you want to use functions in the escaped data spot. It's called an expression. Here is how they're used in the insert class.

2       ->values([`col` => new \Zend\Db\Sql\Expression("FROM_UNIXTIME(?)","?", [\Zend\Db\Sql\Expression::TYPE_VALUE])]);
Now the function won't be quoted and the value can be safely escaped when execute is run.

Here's some documentation on how expressions are used in a where clause.